Company registration form Check business name availability Company registration form Company registration form Your first name(s)/ Forename (s) * Please write same like on your e-Residency card Your last name(s)/Surname (s) * Please write same like on your e-Residency card Personal code from your e-residency card * Personal code is 11 numbers at the card Your full home address * Country/city/state/province/street/house/apartment Email to contact with you * Your company e-mail - be shown on company registry card * The company e-mail may be the same as your personal. This e-mail address should already work because confirmation mail will be sent to this address Phone * Your phone number with area code Business name * Planned principal activity * According to Estonian law all companies can do business in all activities - please name principal activity for registration information. Share capital * Minimum share capital is 1 euro cent. On foundation board member will confirm that the share capital contribution is done (company received capital contribution) Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.